
We All become better

Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.
- Howard Zinn

Our mission

Mission Statement

We Inspire is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring everyone, especially the young people in our community, to volunteer their time and become team players, leaders, and mentors both at home and across the world.

Through planned volunteer projects that promote interpersonal activities, facilitate knowledge, skills, and information sharing, and most importantly, encourage mentorship by adults to young people, and older kids to younger ones, our goal is to connect each other in our community, as we strongly believe that Together, We All Become Better!

Our vision

We Want to Inspire Each and Everyone

We envision a future in which all people – no matter where they are, and what they have – to take action and give their time to help others, so that we can inspire each other to reach our full potential.

Our Projects

 We Inspire is a Certified Organization for the PVSA volunteer awards.  At We Inspire, our projects are need inspired and leader-based. If you feel like there is a need, and you have the time and passion to organize a project that will benefit your community, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will help you get the project up and running!

With the support of adult advisors, we especially encourage the young people in our community to come out and become  project leaders! Provided requirements are met, we will apply for the honorable PVSA awards for our members. 

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